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Re: position() in xsl:for-each

2004-07-09 02:26:10
On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 12:03:13 +0300, George Cristian Bina 
<george(_at_)sync(_dot_)ro> wrote:
 > <objects>
 >   <object name="name1" type="type1">data1</object>
 >   <object name="name2" type="type1">data2</object>
 >   <object name="name3" type="type1">data3</object>
 >   <object name="name4" type="type1">data4</object>
 >   <object name="name5" type="type2">data5</object>
 >  </objects>

<xsl:for-each select="object[(_at_)type='type1'][position() mod 2 = 1]"> will
not select <object name="name4" type="type1">data4</object> as the
context node. If you add a new type1 object before name5:

   <object name="name1" type="type1">data1</object>
   <object name="name2" type="type1">data2</object>
   <object name="name3" type="type1">data3</object>
   <object name="name4" type="type1">data4</object>
   <object name="nameX" type="type1">dataX</object>
   <object name="name5" type="type2">data5</object>

then <object name="nameX" type="type1">dataX</object> will be selected
as the context node and you will get data5 in the output. The
following-sibling axis selects the following siblings of the context
node. See http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#axes

Thank you for clarifying this. Just to be sure I got it right:

What you're saying is that position() is relative to a node in the
input (original) XML tree, not to the nodes that I select with
xsl:for-each. Correct?

Does the same behaviour apply if I had used xsl:apply-templates
instead of xsl:for-each?

Vidar S. Ramdal
"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity"

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