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Re: Character conversion in stylesheet

2004-07-02 00:49:19
On 01.07.2004 (14:34 Uhr -0500), Belkin, Alla wrote:

I have to check if I have some of the extended ASCII (UTF8) characters in the 
input XML file.
So, I am using stylesheet for transformation XML input file to the different 
format of the XML file.
Can I do something efficient to check for special characters in some of the 
fields in the input XML file and to convert those specific characters, (for 
example, è to e) in the output file?

To check if you have non-ASCII characters you can remove all ASCII chars from a 
string and check whether the result is empty. First create a string variable 
which contains all valid characters:


For the test you would use the translate() function:

<xsl:if test="translate(., $ascii-chars, '') = ''">

To change non-ASCII chars to ASCII chars you have to know which characters to 
change. This is easy if you know the input is ISO-8859-1 or some other limited 
range of characters. You would use the translate() function.

If any valid UTF-8 char could be in the input, there is no easy solution, 
because in many languages single characters can only be transliterated to more 
than one ASCII character.

- Michael
Michael Müller-Hillebrand, Dipl.-Ing.    <http://cap-studio.de/>
    FrameMaker, FrameScript, XML/XSL,... Publishing-Lösungen

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