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RE: Unwanted added spaces in output code

2004-09-29 02:38:37

I have a template to control a footer element in my page. 
When processed, a
space is being added between the end of my image code and the 
closing table
data tag, which is effectively adding a break. This is 
causing my 1 pixel
graphic to expand to an ugly thick band.

      <td bgcolor="#bdced6"><img alt="" height="1"
width="1"src="/includes/assets/2004Design/spacer.gif" /> </td>

Any ideas how to stop this happening?

As you didn't show us your source or stylesheet, one can only suggest to make 
sure you don't generate the text node that contains the space. In practice, 
make sure in your stylesheet you don't have whitespace text nodes that are not 
ignored, and that you don't copy whitespace text nodes from your source.


Jarno - KiEw: Werkfragment

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