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Re: fop table processing error

2004-09-24 08:56:40
Hi, James,

I think your question might better have gone to a FOP mailing list, but it 
happens that I use FOP too and have seen this error.

Since you didn't provide the offending code, I'm guessing here. However, I 
have seen this error when I forgot to explicitly tell FOP how wide to make 
each column.

I'm guessing that you have FO output that looks like:

<fo:table table-layout-"fixed">
and so on

when FOP wants:
<fo:table table-layout-"fixed">
  <fo:table-column column-width="20mm"/>
  <fo:table-column column-width="40mm"/>
(or whatever your widths may be)

Basically, FOP doesn't support dynamic table sizing, so it whines when you 
don't tell it the widths. It does try to guess if you leave them out, so 
you get a warning rather than an error, but then it does a bad job of 
formatting the table, as you observed.


Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

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