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Sum produces NaN

2004-09-13 08:00:38
To add a column of numbers I am using the xsl below.  However if there is
one value missing in the column then the xsl produces NaN.

eg. Below is xml with a value missing in last <data>.  I then use the xsl
below to add all <data> values but receive NaN because of the missing value.
If all <data> tags have value then the sum works.  Please could anyone show
how to resolve this.  Any help greatly appreciated.


<xsl:template name="orderlist.sum.edit">
        <xsl:param name="set-of-order"/>
                 <xsl:variable name="sumorg">
                        <xsl:call-template name="orderlist.sum">
                            <xsl:with-param name="set-of-order" 
        <xsl:value-of select='format-number($sumorg, "£###,###,##0.00")'/>

<xsl:template name="orderlist.sum">
        <xsl:param name="set-of-order"/>
                         <xsl:when test="$set-of-order">
                                        <xsl:variable name="first">
                                        <xsl:variable name="rest">
                                <xsl:call-template name="orderlist.sum">
                                         <xsl:with-param name="set-of-order" 
!= 1]"/>
                                                <xsl:value-of select="$first + 

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