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Re: Output method html

2004-09-06 05:04:48

Carefully read this from the XSLT spec (http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#output):

   If an XSLT processor outputs the result tree, it should do so as specified by
   the xsl:output element; however, it is not required to do so.

The <xsl:ouput> element is applicable only when the XSLT processor is
controlling the serialization to XML (i.e. generating bytes from the result
tree). JDOM's XMLOutputter have no idea that the document is a result from
a transformation that included an <output> element.

In your case, transform directly to the servlet output stream, something
along these lines:

   FileInputStream xslt = new FileInputStream(xsltpath);
   Templates tp = TransformerFactory.getTemplates(xsltpath);
   Source source = new JDOMSource(doc);
   result = new StreamResult(resp.getOutputStream());
   tp.newTransformer(source, result);


Kaarle Kaila wrote:


I have created using JDOM an xml-structure inside my application in tomcat
Finally I want to output the xml-structure in html-format using xslt
transformation. Else this works nicely but I cannot get the <xsl:output
method="html"/> to work.

If I get the same xml-structure in an XML-file and convert it to html using
the same xslt stylesheet using xmlstart (I believe uses libxslt) the result
is what I ask. The output encoding is iso-8859-1 and the <br/> has become
<br> etc.
When I use JDOM command to do this I get it with xml-headers, <br/> etc

Here is the code in my servlet that does the transformation:
FileInputStream xslt = new FileInputStream(xsltpath);
XSLTransformer trans = new XSLTransformer(xslt);
Document htm = trans.transform(doc);
XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter();
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ServletOutputStream sos = resp.getOutputStream();

I don't know what xslt processor uses as a default. I have tried by adding
saxon.jar or saxon8.jar to the WEB-INF/lib directory with the same result.

The xslt sheet I have begins like this:

<xsl:stylesheet version = '1.0'

<xsl:output method="html" encoding="iso-8859-1"/>
<xsl:template match="/miniproject">
<xsl:variable name="lcopy"><xsl:value-of
Any help would be appreciated.

Kaarle Kaila

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