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Removing if no data - iterating through every child (sorry the codes a bit long)

2004-09-03 07:21:14

Initially, sorry for the code seeming long. But it's a bit of a follow up to yesterdays questions (which I solved thanks to y'alls help).

Ok, so I have an XML file, where I can have any number of nodes, which can have any number of Children (and they can have children and so on).

Basically, I want to strip a node if it or it's children has no data, or has no attributes with data anywhere in it's descendants.

I sort of get the logic, but fail miserably to even consider how to fix it so that the last example works (Checkbox 6) - ie. Stripping a tree half way down.

ANY help would be great.

Thanks ALot


P.S. the number of children in the example is not overkill, there will usually be at least 4 - sorry.


                                                                <long> data 
                                                                <long />
                                                                <long Attribute="0" 
attribute=""> data </long>
                                        <long Attribute="data">

Output :

                                                                <long> data 
                                                                <long Attribute="0"> 
data </long>
                                        <long Attribute="data" />

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