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Performance problems with grouping

2004-09-01 02:34:03
Hello all,

is it possible to use the <xsl:key> function on a node-set returned by the ext:node-set() function ?

What I am performing is the following:
- I combine two xml files to one (by means of the document() function)
- this temporary xml file is transformed into a node-set by means of the node-set() extension function

Now on this temporary file I want to perform grouping. I am using the axis preceding-sibling (a number of times) which produces the correct output. But this is causing big performance problems. For an xml source of about 1MB it already takes a very long time (more than half a hour !). I know that the xsl:key is a faster way, but I don't think I can use that for a temp tree, can I ?

Temp tree:
<object name="object1" timestamp="15:00:00" instance="0" package="pack1" value="1"/> <object name="object2" timestamp="15:00:00" instance="0" package="pack2" value="1"/> <object name="object3" timestamp="15:00:00" instance="0" package="pack1" value="3"/> <object name="object1" timestamp="15:00:00" instance="1" package="pack1" value="4"/> <object name="object1" timestamp="15:30:00" instance="0" package="pack1" value="1"/> <object name="object2" timestamp="15:30:00" instance="0" package="pack2" value="1"/> <object name="object3" timestamp="15:30:00" instance="0" package="pack1" value="4"/> <object name="object1" timestamp="15:30:00" instance="1" package="pack1" value="3"/>

Pro package I need one header with an enumeration of all objects for this package:

Under each header a grouping is needed pro timestamp and pro instance. All values for that belongs to this grouping are added to the entry



To achieve this I have following template:

<xsl:template match="extended_root">
        <xsl:for-each select="object">          
                <xsl:variable name="currentPackage" select="@package"/>
                <xsl:variable name="currentInstance" select="@instance"/>
                <xsl:variable name="currentDateTime" select="@timestamp"/>
                        <xsl:call-template name="write_header">
<xsl:with-param name="counterList" select="/extended_root/object[(@package=$currentPackage) and (not(@name=preceding-sibling::object/@name))]/@name"/>
<xsl:if test="(not(preceding-sibling::object[(@package=$currentPackage) and (@instance=$currentInstance) and (@timestamp=$currentDateTime)]))">
                        <xsl:call-template name="write_datarecord">
<xsl:with-param name="counterList" select="/extended_root/object[(@package=$currentPackage) and (not(@name=preceding-sibling::object/@name))]/@name"/>

Writing the header is performed in an acceptable amount of time, but writing the records gives a lot of problems.

Does anybody has some suggestions how I could improve performance.

Thanks !

Kind regards,

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