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Wah? Weird... Clarifying the Schema

2004-10-27 19:21:34
I've come across the strangest thing, and I'm trying to figure out why it occurs. I was hoping someone would enlighten me onto what is going on here:

I'm a recent member to the XSLT scene, so don't completely understand how the schema works to a full extend (i'm learning... slowly (grin)). Anyway, recently i've been playing around with some code that increments through each book in a catalog, and displays each book category from the catalog in a drop down box. To do this I decided to sort the catalog, incrementally go through each book node, then call a conditional statement that would only fire off if the previous node had a category that was different.

The weirdest thing happens here. Firstly, it has come to my attention that the 'preceding-sibling' axis is not effected by an 'xsl:sort' element. This is proved when removing the 'xsl:sort' element completely. The weird thing is that the code WORKS!!! So, i'm hoping I can get some clarification on this....

Why is the code working?

         <xsl:for-each select="catalog/book">
<xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending" />
           <xsl:if test="not(preceding-sibling::book/category = category)">
               <xsl:when test="category = $category">
<option value="{category}" selected="true"><xsl:value-of select="category" /></option>
<option value="{category}"><xsl:value-of select="category" /></option>

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