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Re: output .net register directive

2004-10-27 08:13:03
I don't know why it's a stupid question. I have a idea of what a serializer is,
but didn't know, for instance, that it was controled by the xsl:output...

So where is the stupidity?

Citando Jan Limpens <jan(_dot_)limpens(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>:

thanks for explaining. and I was right - it was a  stupid question :)


On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 15:57:10 +0100, Michael Kay 
<mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> wrote:

michael, this might be a very stupid question - but what is a
xslt serializer?

It's the piece of software that takes the result tree generated by your
stylesheet and turns it into a stream of characters (or bytes) representing
an XML or HTML document, under the control of the xsl:output declarations.

The significance is that you don't have to invoke the XSLT serializer. For
example, if you run a transformation in Mozilla the result tree is passed
straight to the HTML rendering engine, without first serializing it.
Similarly, in the MSXML world you often send the transformation result to a
DOM and then use the DOM serializer, which doesn't understand things like
xsl:output and disable-output-escaping.

Michael Kay

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