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RE: problem with image path

2004-10-15 00:12:20

The following is my code snippets for handling <img> tag.I 
have some problem
with image path.
I am created a servlet to converting a web page into pdf.For 
this i have
used a button on my page 
to invoke the servlet and gets the pdf of current web page. 
Here i am used
the image path as
<img src="http://localhost:8080/PDF/images/banner.gif"; 
/>.Here the image
will be displayed on the web page 
and i can convert it into pdf using the following xsl.Now i 
have created a
pdf converter application(standalone application)and tried  
with some html
page.Here what my problem is the images in the web pages are 
not get with
pdf document.Because in normal web page we can specify the 
path of image as

<img   src="images/banner.gif"/>

<!--********Code to handle img tag***********-->

<xsl:template match="img">
              <xsl:attribute name="src">
                              <xsl:value-of select="@src"/>

How can i convert this path to actual path?How can i handle 
both url and
local path?

If the above code generates

  <fo:block><fo:external-graphic src="url('images/banner.gif')"/><fo:block>

what is the base URL your FO processor uses? If you don't actually store the 
resulting FO file into the parent directory of images, then the base URL could 
be the directory where the FO processor was started or something else you don't 


Jarno - Hocico: Temple of Lies

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