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RE: comparing two xpath fragment with xslt1.0

2004-10-08 06:20:53

Hi all,
Should everyone known how to compare two xpath fragments P1 
and P2 with 
Precisely how to determine equivalence between P1 and p2? 
This means that a 
nodes set selected by P1 is equal to the nodes Set selected by P2.
I thanks all of you in advance.

Do you mean that the two paths must be statically equivalent, in the sense
that (a|b) and (b|a) always produce the same result? Or do you mean that
they are equivalent in the context of a particular schema (for example a/*
and a/c are equivalent if the only permitted child element of a is c). Or do
you mean equivalent in the sense that they produce the same results when
evaluated against a particular source document, for example (key('k', 'z'))
and (../b) might produce the same result?

Michael Kay

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