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RE: Group and compare data

2004-10-06 15:33:30
Hmm bugger.  I am running a strictly MS solution here, but perhaps I
should look into the saxon.net port

Sun Java, and Saxon, run just fine on a Microsoft platform. You have to do a
bit of plumbing to connect between the MS and Java worlds if your
application is part one and part the other, but it's entirely doable.
I'll guess it must have been up on this list a thousand times before,
but does anyone have a good clue on wheter MS is going to support
XSLT2, and what the future for eg. MSXML is. 

Various bloggers inside Microsoft have said they aren't implementing XSLT 2.

I think MSXML is a victim of the open-source competition. It's an excellent
bit of technology, but Microsoft were forced to give it away for free, and
when it came to producing a business case for upgrading it, they couldn't
make one. That's my reading between the lines, anyway. I don't know what the
moral of the tale is... you can draw your own.

Michael Kay

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