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Re: Grouping by key - another question

2004-11-09 08:01:06

Thanks, now the categorised output is working fine.  Now, I have got 
another question.  While categorising the output, I want to total the 
values in one of the columns.  I know there is a function called 
sum(node-set) and tried to use(search for sum function in my xsl file). 
From the fact that I don't get the results, I don't know how to apply sum 
function in juction with key function.  Any suggestions, please?


XML Docment:

<accountnumber colno="0">0001</accountnumber>
<companyname colno="1">ABC Ltd</companyname>
<town colno="2">Ford</town>
<ordervalue colno="3">115.49</ordervalue>
<postcode colno="4">FD13QG</postcode>
<accountnumber colno="0">0002</accountnumber>
<companyname colno="1">XYZ Ltd</companyname>
<town colno="2">Ford</town>
<ordervalue colno="3">115.49</ordervalue>
<postcode colno="4">XY13QG</postcode>

xsl document:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";
        <xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
        <xsl:param name="catCol" select="2"/>
        <xsl:key name="categorise" match="account" use="*[(_at_)colno]" />
        <xsl:template match="/">
                        <div> <xsl:apply-templates select="documents" /> 

        <xsl:template match="documents">
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="account[generate-id() 
= generate-id( key( 'categorise', *[(_at_)colno=$catCol] )[1] )]" 
                                <xsl:sort select="*[(_at_)colno=$catCol]"/>
        <xsl:template match="account" mode="catcols">
                        <td colspan="2">
select="*[(_at_)colno=$catCol]" /></b> ( <xsl:value-of select="count(.|key( 
'categorise', *[(_at_)colno=$catCol] ) )" /> )
                        <td colspan="2">
select="sum(*[(_at_)colno=3][position()])" />
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="key('categorise', 
*[(_at_)colno=$catCol])" mode="catrows" />


        <xsl:template match="account" mode="catrows">
                        <td width="100"> <xsl:value-of 
select="*[(_at_)colno=0]" /> </td>
                        <td width="100"> <xsl:value-of 
select="*[(_at_)colno=1]" /> </td>
                        <td width="100"> <xsl:value-of 
select="*[(_at_)colno=3]" /> </td>
                        <td width="100"> <xsl:value-of 
select="*[(_at_)colno=4]" />      </td>

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