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Re: Are there any tools that can parse an xslt file, and describe the mapping from source to target tags.

2004-11-05 12:29:41
Bill Riegel wrote:

Are there any java tools that given a xslt file can be interrogated
to describe the mapping process ?

Hmmm... Good question. It seems to me that the last time I played around with Sonic Studio there were a whole bunch of tool modules that allowed for all sorts of mapping to take place. Theres also the ability in Saxon to add the -T option to the command line which in turn will output the stylesheet tracing information which you could then create an XSLT that could evaluate and report the results (e.g. This Element matched to This Template type stuff).

I know there are a lot of tools out there, a lot more than I have time to even play around with much less integrate them into my development. Fortunately theres a lot of people on this list. If there is a tool that exactly fits your prescription no doubt someone on this list will know about it and will let you know. From my standpoint Sonic Studio seems the most likely to have this feature but thats really only a guess.

Best of luck!
