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RE: Windows URLs

2004-11-04 10:09:18
At 08:07 AM 11/4/2004, Mike wrote:
P.S. Does anyone think I ought to allow windows path names in places where
the spec requires a URI? I'm disinclined to do it, but it does give people a
problem moving to a product that enforces the rules strictly from one that

The RXP parser allows Windows path names, but utters an imprecation (in the form of a warning message) when it does so. This seems like a reasonable compromise, though it's impossible to get this right (IMO) for every situation.

In general, however, I find that URIs internal to a stylesheet are not a problem, since (namespace declarations aside, as they don't count) they are almost always relative paths. Where I really miss consistency in handling "file:" URIs is in parsers that must resolve DOCTYPE declarations or the equivalent(s) for schemas, where sometimes you want an absolute path.


Wendell Piez                            
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                http://www.mulberrytech.com
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