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Re: Read a txt file

2005-01-19 05:43:32
Hi David, 

 --- David Carlisle <davidc(_at_)nag(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> escreveu: 
XSL1 can only read XML files, although you can
easily make an xml file wrapper around your text
if you have a file.txt that you know doesn't have
any < or or > & characters
in it then you can make a file.xml that looks like

<!DOCTYPE vector [
<!ENTITY x SYSTEM "file.txt">

then in your xslt you can go

<xsl:copy-of select="document('file.xml')"/>

and will get


as the result.

Ok David, I did this.

  But I have other problem:
  This values are of a multidimensional vector

  In XML, I can't have a element that has a vector
  structure, can I? What could  I do in this case?

I have no idea what you mean here, you can have any
structure you want
for example to express the matrix in mathml you'd
have something like





This structure is exactly what I need, but how did you
do this? 

Thanks, Beatriz

Beatriz Langiano
Mestrado em Informática
Universidade Federal do Paraná - Brasil

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