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Re: Can't use any of the xdt functions! Grrrr

2005-03-18 17:02:24
May I propose something?

   Make the XSLT  2.0 processor work with the new *as well as* with
all previous

So, it is an accomodating and forced-ugly-non-compliance feature, but
this is the best reaction I can see to this situation.

Dimitre Novatchev

On 18 Mar 2005 23:27:38 +0000, Colin Paul Adams
<colin(_at_)colina(_dot_)demon(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> wrote:
"Dimitre" == Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> writes:

   Dimitre> The admirable tricks recommended by Michael Kay for
   Dimitre> finding this information in the source code of Saxon 8.x
   Dimitre> clearly show how difficult the W3C groups have made it
   Dimitre> for a programmer to use the reference implementations of
   Dimitre> the drafts.

It's a REAL pain, this switching of namespaces on every working draft!
What is an implementor meant to do, when a new drat comes out?

I have two choices that I can see:

1) Be honest - I haven't got round to reading the latest draft
  thoropughly enough yet to claim I have implemented it yet - so
  stick to the old namespace - then FXSL won't work for me, as
  Dimitre has had to change to accomodate saxon 8.3.

or 2), change to the latest namespace, thus giving a mis-leading

Perforce, I choose option 2.
Meanwhile, last call drafts are to come out in a few weeks, so another
change will have to come.

I think it's a daft idea myself. Sure, change the namespace when it
reaches VCR (or PR or REC - whatever), but these changes every working
draft help noone.
Colin Paul Adams
Preston Lancashire

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