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Re: Random?

2005-05-02 03:27:50
Hi Dimitre, 
first, thanks for your help,
I am using the seconds part of the current time -- as the value of the pSeed 
parameter (by using the library  of exslt).
But the problem is : I am calling the function randomSequence several times 
per second ,so I have the same value of the parameter pSeed to the 

I want to use the third part of the current time (milliseconds) ??? its 
possible?? I can't find anything!

Quoting Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com>:

Hi Ali,

On 4/29/05, Ali Choumane <ali(_dot_)choumane(_at_)imag(_dot_)fr> wrote:
Hi Dimitre,

I am using the template "randNext" in random.xsl :

<xsl:attribute name="stamp">
    <xsl:call-template name="randNext">
        <xsl:with-param name="arg1" select="1"/>
 <xsl:attribute name="state">nonDesamb</xsl:attribute>
 <xsl:value-of select="concat($arg1/sentence[last()], $arg2)"/>

and this is a part of result of transformation:
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb">111 111 111</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 222 222</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 333 333 333</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 444 444 444</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb">555 555 555</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 666 666 666</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 777 777 777</sentence>
 <sentence stamp="39022" state="nonDesamb"> 888 888 888, 999

As the result show, "stamp" it's not a key now. I think because "arg1" is

and I am using the template "randomSequence" in random.xsl, but it can't
resolve the problem.

randomSequence produces a sequence of (the pLength parameter) N
numbers. If the seed (the pSeed parameter) is the same on two
invocations of randomSequence, the two produced sequences are, of
course, the same.

I think , if I put a variable value of "arg1" , can resolve the problem?

In order to achieve truly "random" results, the transformation has to
use some non-fixed number, such as the seconds part of the current
time -- and this can be passed as a parameter to the transformation by
the external code that invokes it.

Then this number can be used as a seed -- to be passed as the value of
the pSeed parameter.

But how, when we can't change the value of variables in XSLT?

We can't and actually we don't need to.

Dimitre novatchev.

M2R III ,Univ Joseph fourrier, UFR IMA
portable.      06 71 55 80 65
Bureau(INRIA). 04 76 61 54 13 
Email. ali(_dot_)choumane(_at_)imag(_dot_)fr

envoyé via Webmail/IMAG !

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