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Re: To avoid converting html entities

2005-06-08 20:35:52
I agree the xml data source is a horror, but it's part of a SOAP
response from a webservice.. and I don't have any influence :(

What I'm trying to do is: output this same data as  the value of a
hidden element in a form. When the user submits the form, this exact
data has to be passed to the next web service call..

On 6/9/05, Michael Kay <mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> wrote:
In my xml data source, I have the following element:



yuk. If you have any chance at all of fixing the process that created this
horror, then do so.

I want to select (and output) the above data, without converting the
html entities above to < & >, etc.

The XML parser automatically converts &lt; to <, you can't prevent that. The
XSLT serializer normally converts < back to &lt;. You can prevent that, in
some circumstances, by using disable-output-escaping.

The xsl (snippet) is as follows:

<input type="hidden">
<xsl:attribute name="value">
<xsl:value-of select="PostData" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

The output method is set to html... & I'm using MSXSL (i.e xslt 1.0)

You can't use disable-output-escaping when writing attribute values. And I'm
not sure why you want to. What HTML are you actually trying to create?

Michael Kay

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