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Re: logical AND does not work in xsl:for-each element combination

2005-09-24 23:48:08
I guess you require this

<xsl:for-each select="/GEDCOM/EventRec/Participant[Link/@Ref='X1' and
Role = 'Y1']">
     <xsl:value-of select="../Date"/>


On 9/25/05, Peter Teichert <peter(_dot_)teichert(_at_)web(_dot_)de> wrote:

Hi xslt folks,

I know that the logical AND was surely discussed but it could not help me to 
solve the problem.

Shortly I have teh following xml structure

     <Link Ref="X1"/>
     <Link Ref="X2"/>
     <Link Ref="X3"/>

I want to locate a specific participant and extract the nodes Date, Place and 
Info with the following xsl:for-each

<xsl:for-each select="/GEDCOM/EventRec/Participant[(_at_)Ref='X1' and 
<xsl:value-of select="../Date"/>

The output for both cases separated is correct but when combined it displays 
always 3 dates and not only one date

What I am doing wrong here ?

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