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Re: grouping list items by attribute

2005-10-03 21:34:07
Please try this stylesheet

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"; version="1.0">

<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />

<xsl:template match="/tx.list">
     <xsl:for-each select="tx.li">
         <xsl:when test="@level = '0'">
           <li><xsl:value-of select="tx.p" /></li>
           <xsl:if test="(position() = 1) or
preceding-sibling::tx.li[1]/@level = '0'">
               <li><xsl:value-of select="tx.p" /></li>
               <xsl:call-template name="printli">
                 <xsl:with-param name="list"
select="following-sibling::tx.li" />

<xsl:template name="printli">
   <xsl:param name="list" />

   <xsl:if test="$list/@level = '1'">
     <li><xsl:value-of select="tx.p" /></li>
     <xsl:call-template name="printli">
       <xsl:with-param name="list" select="$list[position() &gt; 1]" />



On 10/4/05, Lynn Alford <lynn(_dot_)alford(_at_)jcu(_dot_)edu(_dot_)au> wrote:
Given this as the input

<tx.list style="ID1c6">
          <tx.li level="0" number="1.   ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">List1</tx.p>
          <tx.li level="0" number="2.   ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">List2</tx.p>
          <tx.li level="1" number="�    ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">Sublist 1</tx.p>
          <tx.li level="1" number="�    ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">Sublist 2</tx.p>
          <tx.li level="1" number="�    ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">Sublist 3</tx.p>
          <tx.li level="0" number="3.   ">
            <tx.p style="ID1a2">List3</tx.p>

The preferred outcome would be

                  <li>Sublist 1</li>
            <li>Sublist 2</li>
            <li>Sublist 3</li>

My basic problem is I can't quite figure out how you can use an increase in
level to trigger the start of a new list.  Especially when the lists may be
nested much deeper and any level may be either ordered or unordered
lists.  Siblings at the same level I can do easily enough.


Lynn Alford                             Tel     (07) 47 81 6256
ITR                                             Email:  
JCU QLD 4811 Australia                  ICQ: 64096907
MSN: nicarra60(_at_)hotmail(_dot_)com              Y!: nicarra60

'I think an "uncatched exception" deserves three bug reports: one for the
exception, one for not catching it, and one for abuse of the English
language.'  Michael Kay
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