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Re: Xalan setParmeter

2005-11-08 04:24:43
Fraser Goffin wrote:

This is what the output looks like :-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rootContainer>org(_dot_)dom4j(_dot_)tree(_dot_)DefaultElement(_at_)20dfa273 [Element: &lt;Odds attributes: []/&gt;]</rootContainer>

You are using a dom4j Node/Element. You need to use an org.w3c.dom.Node.

Even easier would be be to use the document function in your XSL and create a class the implements javax.xml.transform.URIResolver. This way you can return something like:

new org.dom4j.io.DocumentSource(myNode)

There are several examples of how to create a URIResolver out there, just google.


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