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Re: [xsl] Identity Transformation of XML for web display

2006-03-21 03:56:13
Wendell Piez wrote:

This is not hard to do, either with literal spaces (non-breaking spaces) or with CSS when displaying HTML.

You looks like you're using CSS. If you're using a @class layer, it looks like the class of any particular div will be done like this:

<div class="indent_{count(ancestor-or-self::*)}">...</div>

which would result in class="indent_1" for an outermost div, "indent_2" for a div a level down, etc.

You could do the same thing with style="{count(ancestor::*) * 10}px"> and get your indents hard-coded that way: this would result in 0px, 10px, 20px etc from outermost in.


I don't think this is what you want. The indentation will be relative to the parent div. You probably just want to have a single 'indent' class with a margin-left or padding-left of 10px. This way the first div[(_at_)class='indent'] will be indented 10px from the body's margin or padding, the first child div[(_at_)class='indent'] of the parent will be 20px from the left of the body and so on.

I also think it is a good idea to keep the CSS separate from the transformed result and not use inline style attributes (just to try and make this post a little on topic :)


I hope that helps.


At 07:49 PM 3/18/2006, you wrote:


I'd like to create an identity tranformation that replaces "<" this
and ">" this to "&lgt;" and "&glt" for display of the XML document on
an HTML page.  I can handle this part, but would like help with the
spacing of the elements as they appear hierachely.  So example, how to



you have to be very intuitive as to knowing at which depth you are in
your transformation to style this something like:

<div style="indent_3">&glt;C&glt;</div>

where style indent_3 is a margin of 20px for example.

Any help would be appreciated.

Wendell Piez                            
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                http://www.mulberrytech.com
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