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RE: [xsl] Filtering out duplicates in current-group()

2006-03-29 11:09:54
Just do another level of grouping:

<xsl:for-each-group select="current-group()" group-by="Title">
  .. output details of this title ..

Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
From: Smith, Donald [mailto:DSmith(_at_)innodata-isogen(_dot_)com] 
Sent: 29 March 2006 17:32
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] Filtering out duplicates in current-group()

Given this source:

  <Song order="5" id="c95">
    <Artist>Hall and Oates</Artist>
  <Song order="13" id="c49">
    <Title>Strangers In The Night</Title>
    <Artist>Frank Sinatra</Artist>
    <Album>Reprise Collection Boxed Set</Album>
  <Song order="8" id="c22">
    <Title>Strangers In The Night</Title>
    <Artist>Frank Sinatra</Artist>
    <Album>Your Hit Parade - '60s Instrumentals</Album>

And given the following templates from my stylesheet:

<xsl:template match="Playlist">
  <h1>Songs By Decade</h1>
  <xsl:for-each-group select="Song" group-by="substring(Year, 1, 3)">
    <p>Decade: <xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/>0's</p>
     <p style="margin-left: 1pc;">
             <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group()/Title" />

<xsl:template match="Title">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="." /><br/>

How do I filter the current group so that the same song doesn't occur
more than once for a decade (that is, so I don't get "Strangers In the
Night" more than once for the 60's)?




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