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RE: [xsl] XSLT 1.0 - errata - E37

2006-04-20 05:31:52
"Buchcik, Kasimier" wrote:

I learned that the scope of visibility of an
xsl:param/xsl:variable was reformulated in the errata
http://www.w3.org/1999/11/REC-xslt-19991116-errata/#E37 :
"In this case, the binding is visible for the descendants
of all following siblings that are not xsl:fallback

For me, this sentence seems to exclude the "following siblings"
from the scope; an error in the errata?

  Interesting question.  I'm not an expert of the XSLT 1.0 REC, but I'd
say it is more something like "[...] for the following siblings that
are not xsl:fallback instructions, and their descendants".  It's what
the XSLT 2.0 draft says:

    A local variable binding element is visible for all
    following siblings and their descendants, with two
    exceptions: it is not visible in any region where it is
    shadowed by another variable binding, and it is not
    visible within the subtree rooted at an xsl:fallback
    instruction that is a sibling of the variable binding
    element. The binding is not visible for the xsl:variable
    or xsl:param element itself.




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