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RE: [xsl] Concatenating multiple variables in a XPath statement

2006-06-23 23:13:15
Thank you Florent,
But it seems that your solution works with XSLT 2, but I'm using XSLT
1 which do not support "as" and "sequence".

Thanks again.

On 6/22/06, Florent Georges <darkman_spam(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)fr> wrote:
 Michael Kay wrote:


> > Thank you Micheal.
> > There are xpath and element names in the variables. var1
> > contains an xpath like /form/body/rows/row[$i] and var2 has
> > an element name which is found dynamically in a loop.
> > I think this is the case that XPath does not support. Am I right?

> Correct.

  Mmh, in this special case, it is possible, isn't it?  If I understand
correctly "var2 has an element name which is found dynamically in a
loop" as meaning "var2 is a variable bound in an xsl:for-each, holding
an element name".

    <xsl:variable name="var1" select="..." as="element()*"/>
    <xsl:for-each select="...">
      <xsl:variable name="var2" select="..." as="xs:string"/>
      <xsl:sequence select="var1[local-name() eq var2]"/>

  Or something like that, depending on the particularities of the

  Did I miss something?

  Mmh, after having wrote that, I'm guessing if "var1 contains an xpath
like /form/body/rows/row[$i]" means "var1 contains a sequence selected
by the XPath expression ..." or "var1 contains a string, the XPath
expression ...".  In the former my example is right, but not in the
later, indeed.



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