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Re: [xsl] Matching for strings...

2006-09-06 08:50:17
On 9/6/06, Bob Portnell <simply(_dot_)bobp(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> wrote:
Well, the Cookbook didn't help with this problem, or at least not that I saw.

So, my data (in part) is like this..

        <program id(_at_)="...">
            <title> ... </title>
            <subtitle> ... </title>
            <description ... </title>

(Yes, it's the ever-popular DataDirect TV listings from Tribune Media
Services... I'm working with the data in its "native" xtvd structure,
rather than doing the very long-winded transform to the more popular
XMLTV structure.)

I want to find <program> elements whose <title> or <subtitle> or
<description> might contain the string I've stowed in the variable
$target. Something simple like

...so something like:

select="//program[contains(title, $target) or contains(subtitle,
$target) or contains(description, $target)]"


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