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Re: [xsl] Unexpected ('a', 'b')[fn:position()] result

2007-03-06 17:14:28
Rachel D. Basse wrote:
<xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:sequence select="('a', 'b')[fn:position()]"/>

returns ('a', 'b').
Why is this? Everything tells me the last expression should evaluate to 'a'. 
Did I miss something?

Hi Rachel,

It's a classic, and every now and then, I do it wrongly still (check the archives, I have once or twice asked about the same question). The function position() (you don't need to put "fn:" in front of it) returns the position of the context node. The context changes within the XPath expression to each node it is evaluating.

Thus, the expression

('a', 'b')[position()]

a) will test the first item in the sequence 'a' for the predicate [position()] which evaluates to the predicate [1], which is short for [position() = 1], which will return true because the current position is 1.

b) will test the second item in the sequence 'b' for the predicate [position()] which evaluates to the predicate [2], which is short for [position() = 2], which will return true because the current position is 2 (we are at the second item, 'b', remember).

As it comes, the following:


will always evaluate to true, and


will always return the whole sequence, because each separate item will always have the position in the sequence that equals the result of the predicate [position()].

What you want is the following:

<xsl:variable name="pos" select="position()" />
<xsl:sequence select="('a', 'b')[$pos]" />


-- Abel Braaksma

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