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Re: [xsl] Recursive Processor to find Type of complex type for WSDL file

2007-03-14 07:57:11
As you mentioned,The XPath would only fetch only string and int types
and I have to find the What are elements invloved for Address and
their datatype and PHone and stuff.
I am struggling to loop thorugh this kind of combination.
Where I need to pass Address as key and find all the data type for the same

On 3/14/07, Abel Braaksma <abel(_dot_)online(_at_)xs4all(_dot_)nl> wrote:
Senthilkumaravelan K wrote:
> <element name="firstName" type="xsd:string"/>
>  <element name="lastName" type="xsd:string"/>
>  <element name="address1" type="tns2:Address"/>
> <snip />
>    <element name="areaCode" type="xsd:int"/>
> <snip />
> The objective is to get all the type data for all the elements till it
> is string or int.

In that case, you can simply do something along the line of selecting:

//xs:element[(_at_)type = 'xsd:string' or @type = 'xsd:int']

where 'xs' is bound to the namespace of XML Schema.

It will get you all elements of type 'xsd:string' of of type 'xsd:int'.

If with 'recursive' in your OP you meant that you somehow need to follow
and/or output the parents (or data from them), you can wrap some
modified copy template around this.

-- Abel

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