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Re: [xsl] tag and attribute statistics attached with node sequence

2007-04-23 09:18:10

can i ask a question on XSLT ? pls, if this group is
not interested in xslt,

XSLT is the main subject of this list (although XSL-FO is also covered)

suppose i have the following xslt

It's rather hard to comment on your code as it's rather long and full of
processor-specific extensions for one particular processor (xalan?)
You hint at the bottom what your intended computation is, but not very
clearly I'm afraid but it would seem unlikely that any extensions were

You should really try to avoid doing things like this:

    <xsl:for-each select="@*">
      <xsl:variable name="ignore"

As if the variable is not used, the processor is not obliged to evaluate
it at all. relying on functions with side effects in any functional
language is likely to be risky.

For example there is a comment

    <!-- count current tag's text nodes -->

XSLT doesn't work with tags but to count the current element nodes text
node children which is what I think is intended does not require any
extension elements, just


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