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Re: [xsl] if a condition is not met

2007-05-15 13:58:18
Michael Kay wrote:
Very pretty.

I was thinking in terms of grouping, time arithmetic, min/max...

Indeed and same here.
With the solution of George C. Bina in mind, I wanted to give the XSLT 2.0 approach a new try. Well, it ends up somewhere high in the obfuscated code bin, I believe. Here's the tree-walking algorithm from George applied in a single XPath 2.0 expression:

times/time[(_at_)time = ../../cells/cell[last()]/@endTime]/following-sibling::* 
times/time[(_at_)time = ../../cells/cell[1]/@startTime]/preceding-sibling::* |
times/time[(_at_)time = ../../cells/cell[(_at_)endTime != following-sibling::*[1]/@startTime]/@endTime]
   /(self::* |
[(_at_)time = ../../cells/cell[(_at_)startTime != preceding-sibling::*[1]/@endTime]
    except preceding-sibling::*))

I leave the explanation of this monster as an exercise to the reader ;) I just wanted to find out whether the OP's request was doable on one line (and I am sure it can be done more concise and hopefully without the expensive 'except' operator, I tried '>>' etc, but had some context-node problems).

-- Abel Braaksma

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