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Re: [xsl] Increasing a numerical value in a for-each loop

2007-05-21 07:41:37
On 5/21/07, Ómar Kjartan Yasin <omar(_at_)midi(_dot_)is> wrote:
Good day,

I've been going through this mailing list and trying to figure out a way
to increase a numerical value in a for-each loop. I know I can't use a
variable since I can't change its value after it's been set.

The code:
<xsl:for-each select="//Ticket">
     <xsl:when test="position() mod 2 = 1">
       DIR 4:PP <xsl:value-of select="165 + increment"/>,<xsl:value-of
select="230 + //offsets/x"/>:FT "Swiss 721 BT",8:PT "23. maí 2007"
       DIR 4:PP <xsl:value-of select="165 + increment"/>,<xsl:value-of
select="515 + //offsets/x"/>:FT "Swiss 721 BT",8:PT "28. maí 2007"

As you can see I'm now using position() to alternate between odd and
even elements, but I need to increment 165 by 35 each time the for-each
loop is run.
I know I can use a template to increment a variable but I don't think
that's "The XSL-way".

How about:

165 + (position() * 35)


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