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Re: [xsl] Identity transform on node-set loaded with document()

2007-08-01 20:34:01
I think xsl:copy & xsl:copy-of might work for you. You could also try
to use xsl:for-each or xsl:apply-templates to meet some of your

On 8/2/07, Matt Poff <matt(_dot_)poff(_at_)headfirst(_dot_)co(_dot_)nz> wrote:

I've been away from XSLT a while and am stumbling on how to implement
the following:

My transform imports, using document(), an HTML snippet contain a
populated <head></head> tag. I want to copy this into one of several
result trees I am outputting  as is *except*  the <title/> tag needs to
be populated with a  value.

Initially I created a named template and sent the loaded node-set to it,
then realised I probably needed an identity transform but all of the
identity transform examples I've found seem to be set-up to operate on
the master document only. What's the best way to carry out this task?
Can I do an identity transform with a named template?

I'm sure there's a fairly simple solution but it's passing me by.


Mukul Gandhi

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