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Re: [xsl] Templates

2007-09-05 18:11:23
You will improve the chances that you will receive prompt and helpful responses on XSL-List by:

  - asking specific enough questions that answers are possible. Describe
    what you are trying to do, how you approached it, what happened, and
    why you don't like the result you got

  - supplying small samples of files that illustrate your question or
    problem. For example, an XML file, an XSLT stylesheet, the result
    you got, and the result you want - all in miniature (and remembering
    that everything posted to XSL-List is archived in public)

  - describing the topic of your question concisely in the subject line
    Good subject lines - those that describe the subject matter of your
    message - not only increase the chances that you will receive answers
    to questions or responses to comments, they also make your message
    and any replies to it accessible in the list archives.

While I'm sure there are people on XSL-List who will try to guess what your question is about, you have really not provided enough information to make it easy to help you. Please re-submit your question with the samples described above.

-- Tommie

At 10:33 AM +1000 9/6/07, SINGH Navpreet wrote:
Hi All,

I have following DTD for Element PARA0


I am writing xslt to transform my xml document with this PARA0 element.
I am applying templates for TITLE, WARNING*, CAUTION*, SUBPARA1*,
REFITEM*. These are quite straight forward, but I am struggling to write
a template that can handle  ( (NOTE+, (PARA, NOTE*)?) | (PARA, NOTE*) )?
part of the DTD. Can anyone help me with this.




B. Tommie Usdin                        
Mulberry Technologies, Inc.                http://www.mulberrytech.com
17 West Jefferson Street                           Phone: 301/315-9631
Suite 207                                    Direct Line: 301/315-9634
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  Mulberry Technologies: A Consultancy Specializing in XML and SGML

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