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[xsl] I only want to process the first node... ;)

2007-09-18 09:14:24
Hi there!

I have an XML File that looks like this:


<PPER id="s33_5" word="er" lemma="er" morph="3.Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="he"/> <VVFIN id="s33_4" word="verlange" lemma="verlangen" morph="3.Sg.Pres.Subj"
<APPR id="s33_6" word="vor" lemma="vor" morph="--" trans="over"/> <PIS id="s33_7" word="allem" lemma="alle" morph="Dat.Sg.Masc" trans="all"/>
<NN id="s33_8" word="Arbeitsmoral" lemma="Arbeitsmoral" morph="Acc.Sg.Fem"
                trans="employee moral"/>
<KON id="s33_9" word="und" lemma="und" morph="--" trans="and"/>
<ADJA id="s33_10" word="ordentliches" lemma="ordentlich" morph="Pos.Acc.Sg.Neut"
<NN id="s33_11" word="Auftreten" lemma="auftreten" morph="Acc.Sg.Neut"
<APPR id="s33_1" word="Von" lemma="von" morph="--" trans="of | from"/> <PPOSAT id="s33_2" word="seinen" lemma="sein" morph="Dat.Pl.*" trans="her"/> <NN id="s33_3" word="Beschäftigten" lemma="beschäftigter" morph="Dat.Pl.*"
<NE id="s34_1" word="Perot" lemma="Perot" morph="Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="Perot"/> <VAFIN id="s34_2" word="sei" lemma="sein" morph="3.Sg.Pres.Subj" trans="would be"/>
<ART id="s34_3" word="ein" lemma="ein" morph="Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="an"/> <ADJA id="s34_4" word="autoritärer" lemma="autoritär" morph="Pos.Nom.Sg.Masc"
<NN id="s34_5" word="Macher" lemma="Macher" morph="Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="wright"/>
<KON id="s34_7" word="und" lemma="und" morph="--" trans="and"/>
<PPOSAT id="s34_11" word="seine" lemma="sein" morph="Nom.Sg.Fem" trans="her"/> <NN id="s34_12" word="Schwäche" lemma="Schwäche" morph="Nom.Sg.Fem"
<VAFIN id="s34_9" word="sei" lemma="sein" morph="3.Sg.Pres.Subj" trans="would be"/> <ADV id="s34_10" word="auch" lemma="auch" morph="--" trans="too"/>
<ART id="s34_16" word="ein" lemma="ein" morph="Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="a"/> <NN id="s34_17" word="Manager" lemma="Manager" morph="Nom.Sg.Masc" trans="manager"/>
<VVFIN id="s34_14" word="beschreibt" lemma="beschreiben" morph="3.Sg.Pres.Ind"
<PPER id="s34_15" word="ihn" lemma="ihn" morph="3.Acc.Sg.Masc" trans="him"/>

So there's an Analysis node and several S nodes as siblings. But there are also CS and DL nodes as siblings of the Analysis node. What i want is: Capitalize the first character of every @trans that occurs first in a S node and just print the rest @trans as strings to sdtout ;)

So thats what i wrote:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/ Transform"

<xsl:output method="text" omit-xml-declaration="yes" standalone="yes" indent="no"/>

  <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>

<!-- Capitalize the first character of a given word -->
  <xsl:function name="mt:capitalize_first">
    <xsl:param name="word"/>
<xsl:variable name="converted_first_char" select="translate (substring($word,1,1),'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')"/> <xsl:value-of select="concat($converted_first_char, substring ($word, 2, string-length($word)))"/>

  <xsl:template match="S">

<xsl:variable name="terminals" select="descendant::*[count (child::*) = 0]"/>

    <xsl:value-of select="mt:capitalize_first($terminals[1]/@trans)"/>

    <xsl:for-each select="$terminals[position() != 1]/@trans">
      <xsl:text> </xsl:text>
      <xsl:value-of select="."/>



But then i recognized that some S nodes can occur in a CS or DL nodes, so i changed my XPath expression (descendant::*[count (child::*) = 0]) to tis one: ((ancestor::*)[2])/descendant::*[count (child::*) = 0] just to test if it works when i take the ancestor node that comes directly after the Analysis node. It works fine but the fact is that i get the strings printed 2 or three times. In the example above it is:

Perot would be an authoritarian wright and her weakness would be too a manager describes him Perot would be an authoritarian wright and her weakness would be too a manager describes him Perot would be an authoritarian wright and her weakness would be too a manager describes him

So i know why it is printed or processed three times: There a three S nodes inside the DL node. And here's the point: If i processed the first S node inside a DL or CS node i don't want to process the following S nodes in that CS or DL node.

I hope that somebody of you can help me and that somebody of you understand the problem :)

Thanks in advance

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