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[xsl] group-adjacent problem

2008-02-13 08:39:27
I have this xml input:

    <ChapName>Character Development</ChapName>
      <ma>_____ 1. denouement</ma>
      <ma>_____ 2. conflict</ma>
      <ma>_____ 3. fourth wall</ma>
      <ma>_____ 4. turning point</ma>
      <ma>_____ 5. nonrealistic</ma>
      <ma>_____ 6. presentational</ma>
      <ma>_____ 7. representational</ma>
      <ma>_____ 8. resolution</ma>
      <ma>_____ 9. rising action</ma>
      <ma>_____ 10. subtext</ma>
      <matching_group>a. falling action</matching_group>
<matching_group>b. without reference to the audience</ matching_group>
      <matching_group>c. struggle</matching_group>
      <matching_group>d. highest emotional intensity</matching_group>
      <matching_group>e. exaggerated</matching_group>
      <matching_group>f. direct address</matching_group>
      <matching_group>g. completion</matching_group>
      <matching_group>h. complications</matching_group>
      <matching_group>i. implied information</matching_group>
<matching_group>j. convention of realistic theatre</ matching_group>
      <sa>11. What are the elements of traditional play structure?</sa>
<sa>12. What techniques can you employ for timely cue pickup?</ sa>
      <es>13. What steps can help you develop a characterization?</es>

I need to process all the elements inside the story element. One thing I need to do is group the <matching_group> elements. Here is one of the templates I have tried to do this:

<xsl:template match='Story[child::matching_group]'>
<xsl:for-each-group select="*" group-adjacent="name()">
<xsl:if test="self::matching_group">
  <choices columns='1'>
  <xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
  <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>

This works to group the <matching_group> elements. However, it cuts the <ma>, <sa>, and <es> elements from the result:

      <ChapName>Character Development</ChapName>
         <choices columns="1">
            <choice-a>falling action</choice-a>
            <choice-b>without reference to the audience</choice-b>
            <choice-d>highest emotional intensity</choice-d>
            <choice-f>direct address</choice-f>
            <choice-i>implied information</choice-i>
            <choice-j>convention of realistic theatre</choice-j>

Any hints would be appreciated.

Terry Ofner


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