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Re: [xsl] What's wrong with my Xpath declaration?

2008-07-15 04:02:39
Hi Pankaj,

I would have done this as following:

<xsl:for-each select="./author[1]/name/givenname">
        <xsl:when test="contains(., '.')">
               <xsl:value-of select="."/>
             <xsl:value-of select="substring(., 1, 1)"/>

Let me know if it works.

Thanks & Regards

On 7/15/08, Pankaj Chaturvedi <pankaj(_dot_)chaturvedi(_at_)idsil(_dot_)com> 

Hello all,

I have a markup, which looks like below:

<author primaryauthor="no" corresponding="no" seq="2">

All I am trying to check whether <givenname> contains "." or not, if it does
take whole <givenname> string otherwise get the first character. Below is
what I have defined, which was working perfect earlier with "1.0" version,
but doesn't seems to be working with version 2.0. I tried to modify the
xpath with              <xsl:when
test="./author[1]/name/givenname[contains(string(), '.')]">, which do not me
error but also do not produce the desired output.


test="./author[1]/name/givenname/contains(string(), '.')">
               <xsl:value-of select="./author[1]/name/givenname/string()"/>
select="./author[1]/name/givenname/substring(string(), 1, 1)"/>

Can somebody guide me.


Pankaj Chaturvedi


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