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Re: [xsl] XSLT 2: File path to URI for non-XML file

2008-10-06 08:57:05
Yves Forkl wrote:
In my stylesheet, I am first creating a CSS file using xsl:result-document, taking the file's path from variable css_file.

Subsequently I am generating an XML document which should refer to this file's URI using the classical xml-stylesheet PI.

How can I "convert" the file path of the CSS file (i.e. $css_file) into a URI, given that the XSLT stylesheet is not located in the same directory? Functions targeting the URI of source document nodes won't help me much either, I fear.

The href attribute of xsl:result-document takes a URI reference (relative or absolute) so I am not sure where the problem is, is your variable value not simply a relative file URI?. If you want/need to resolve relative URIs then use http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/#func-resolve-uri


        Martin Honnen

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