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Re: [xsl] Namespace conflicts processing Word documents

2008-10-06 12:31:20
At 2008-10-06 16:52 +0100, Peter Flynn wrote:
Syntactically, yes. Semantically, a paragraph is a paragraph is a paragraph (unless it's a heading, or a list item -- but those are just qualified paragraphs in Word :-)
Right, so I can have two otherwise identical stylesheets, one declaring the WordML w: namespace and the other declaring the OOXML w: namespace, with both using the identical
   <xsl:template match="w:p[w:pPr[w:pStyle[(_at_)w:val='Heading1']]]">
but I can't have a shell stylesheet for each namespace which both import/include the template code from a common (shared) file, because (a) namespaces don't get inherited into imports/includes, and (b) the common file will necessarily lack any namespace declaration for w: and will therefore not be well-formed.

OK. So long as I wasn't missing a trick there.

Well, if they are going to be so very identical, use XSLT 2.0 and the following:

   <xsl:template match="*:p[*:pPr[*:pStyle[(_at_)*:val='Heading1']]]">

... and take the risk that a <p> is a <p> is a <p>.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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