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RE: [xsl] grouping elements under a new single parent element

2008-12-11 04:23:30

Try this:

<xsl:template match="author-group">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="author"/>
    <xsl:apply-templates select="*[not(self::author)]"/>

Michael Kay

-----Original Message-----
From: arut che [mailto:arutche(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com] 
Sent: 11 December 2008 05:34
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] grouping elements under a new single parent element

Hi all,
  I am new to appl xslt/xml conversion,

I want to club multiple elements to a cluster and become 
childs of a new parent element.

Input is :

  <cross-ref refid="aff1">
  <cross-ref refid="cor1">
  <e-address type="email">asd(_at_)alsdfgs(_dot_)sd</e-address>
  <cross-ref refid="aff1">
  <cross-ref refid="aff2">
<affiliation id="aff1">
  <textfn>zsg Divisionsdfgsfg, sgs</textfn>  </affiliation>  
<affiliation id="aff2">
  <textfn>DGD, USA</textfn>
 <correspondence id="cor1">
  <text>Corresponding author. Tel:MKKWE W QWQWE</text>  
</correspondence> </author-group>

I want to club all "author" elements and need to placed under 
a parent "authors" as follows:

required output:

  <cross-ref refid="aff1">
  <cross-ref refid="cor1">
  <e-address type="email">asd(_at_)alsdfgs(_dot_)sd</e-address>
  <cross-ref refid="aff1">
  <cross-ref refid="aff2">
   <affiliation id="aff1">
  <textfn>zsg Divisionsdfgsfg, sgs</textfn>  </affiliation>  
<affiliation id="aff2">
  <textfn>DGD, USA</textfn>
 <correspondence id="cor1">
  <text>Corresponding author. Tel:MKKWE W QWQWE</text>  
</correspondence> </author-group>


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