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Re: [xsl] Newbie question, commenting out an element

2008-12-21 12:28:50
Thanks, Martin for the answer.

On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 5:38 PM, Martin Honnen 
<Martin(_dot_)Honnen(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de> wrote:
Mukul Gandhi wrote:

2. XSLT 2.0 allows us to define xsl:output elements with 'name'
attribute, which can be used in saxon:serialize function (as shown
above). Apart from saxon:serialize function, do any standard XSLT 2.0
instructions/facilities use xsl:output elements having 'name'

The format attribute of xsl:result-document is supposed to name an
xsl:output directive: http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#creating-result-trees


       Martin Honnen

Mukul Gandhi

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