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Re: [xsl] in search for more elegant XPaths

2009-04-22 09:02:10
Have you tried to use RegEx-es with the matches() and replace() function?

You could create an <xsl:function> for a frequently used (sub)
expression anduse such function(s) within future expressions, thus
gaining in usability, readability and reliability, not to mention
saving a lot of time.

Dimitre Novatchev
Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence.
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk
Never fight an inanimate object
You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what
you're doing is work or play

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 5:51 AM, Huditsch, Roman (LNG-VIE)
<Roman(_dot_)Huditsch(_at_)lexisnexis(_dot_)at> wrote:

I am thinking about a way to make some XPaths, that I'am using quite
often, more "elegant".
Please take for example:

<xsl:function name="ln:getCaseType">
       <xsl:param name="case" as="element()"/>
               <xsl:when test="starts-with($case, 'SG') or
starts-with($case, 'LSG') or starts-with($case, 'BSG')">
               <xsl:when test="starts-with($case, 'ArbG') or
starts-with($case, 'LAG') or starts-with($case, 'BAG')">

Is there a way to "normalize" those multiple starts-with()?

I very often testing for element nodes that have character content with
I am sure that you can point me to a better filter expression...

Thanks a lot,

Mag. (FH) Roman Huditsch
 Teamleader XSLT-Development

Tel.: +43 (1) 534 52 - 1514
Fax: +43 (1) 534 52 - 146


LexisNexis Verlag ARD Orac GmbH & Co KG
Marxergasse 25, 1030 Wien
FN 8333f, Handelsgericht Wien

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