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Re: [xsl] question on EXSLT data partitioning

2010-10-20 08:32:21
Erwan AMOUREUX wrote:
Fisrt sorry for my english, litlle out of practice

Second, for this data volume , it would be nice to use key, isn't it ?
You cannot use a variable for modulo but that accelerate processing

<xsl:key name="part" match="Entity" use="(position() - (position() mod 1000)) div 1000 
<xsl:for-each select="Entity[position()  mod 1000 = 0]">
        <xsl:apply-templates select ="key('part',position() div 1000) ">      


I can't test (and make always error with modulo and other...) but that's the 

I agree that using a key makes sense but as far as I understand it when you use position() in the "use" expression of an "xsl:key" element it should be always 1. I have however found XSLT processors that implement that differently.


        Martin Honnen

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