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Re: [xsl] replacing of characters based on position

2010-11-15 17:10:28
On 15/11/2010 22:44, ram wrote:
        I have xsl variable which holds the following uuid value 
(550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000) which has '-' at 9-14-19-24 positions.
     I want to go these positons 9-14-19-24 and replace the characters '-' with 
      Is there any function such as replace(position values,character,replace 
character) available in xslt.

you should always say whether you are using xslt 1 or 2, especially if asking about string handling,

do you actually need position based replace, (that would be easy using xslt 2 regexp, or only slightly more verbose using a mixture of substring and concat) but your original problem statement could be solved by translate(.,'-','0')


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