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Re: [xsl] FOP & Extensions

2011-01-27 12:31:02
I have an XML document that contains XPATH references like the

   <DATA reference="/ROOT/DATAS/DATA[1]/ID" />

In my XSLT, I need to be able to acquire the /ROOT/DATA/@reference
string and then using some type of evaluation extension, I need to be
able to obtain the value pointed to by the XPATH of this attribute.
Therefore, the select result would yield '1'.

I've read I could use XALAN-J or EXSLT; however I am unclear how to:

1. Install these extensions in my web application
2. Reference them for use in my XSLT.

Can someone give me a quick and dirty step-by-step of how to do this?

Saxon is an XSLT 2.0 processor implemented in Java so you can use that instead of Xalan-J. In its commercial versions (or in the 9.1 release) it has an extension function
you can use e.g.

  <xsl:template match="/ROOT/DATA">
    <xsl:variable name="ref" select="saxon:evaluate-node(@reference)"


        Martin Honnen

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