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[xsl] how to workaround restriction of overloading functions

2012-07-17 10:02:03
Hi all,

I figured out the hard way that you can't overload functions in xslt.  In Java 
this would typically be no problem as the parameter signature is different.    
The only option that comes to mind is to autogenerate 1 crazy big function 
which does typechecking on the parameter in a choose construction and returns 
elemenet.  Just double checking if there is a better way.

Thx in advance,

<xsl:function name="znapz:getURI" as="xs:anyURI">
  <xsl:param name="element" as="element(maximo:SCRIPTLAUNCHPOINT)"/>
    select="{concat($destinationFolder, '/'SCRIPTLAUNCHPOINT/', 
$element/maximo:AUTOSCRIPT, '.xml')}"/>

<xsl:function name="znapz:getURI" as="xs:anyURI">
  <xsl:param name="element" as="element(maximo:SECURITYRESTRICT)"/>
     select="{concat($destinationFolder, '/SECURITYRESTRICT/', 
$element/maximo:APP, '.xml')}"/>

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