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Re: Fwd: [xsl] curly braces

2012-09-20 05:15:29
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Michael Kay <mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com> 

You need to explain how these measurements were taken: was the stylesheet
compiled inside the loop or outside it? Was the same Transformer used
repeatedly, or a new one created each time? There are scenarios where
building an index on the stylesheet document would be better because the
same index is reused repeatedly, whereas with a temporary tree a new index
will be built each time. If you have a large lookup document then I would
recommend making it a separate free-standing document, and building it
outside the transformation (not using doc(), supplying it as a stylesheet
parameter); if you then use the same compiled stylesheet repeatedly, both
the lookup document and its index will be reused for each transformation. If
you're only using the stylesheet once, however, putting the data inline in a
global variable will be a little faster.

Putting the look-up in a free standing document is not an option, due
to the restrictions in the target platform.

I'm happy with either as they have performed and would opt for the
non-doc version due to it's lower variance. I posted the benchmark
data (Kernow performance testing mode) because I collected it for
other reasons.

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