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Re: [xsl] things about grouping

2012-11-24 03:37:54
At 10:14 24/11/2012, you wrote:
On 24 November 2012 05:54, Ihe Onwuka <ihe(_dot_)onwuka(_at_)gmail(_dot_)com> 
> 1. <xsl:apply-templates select="current-group() except blah"/>
> still applies templates to blah

It needs to be " except self::blah" otherwise it will look on the child axis.

In my understanding the first item in a group is selected as the context of the for-each-group
current-group() is the sequence of all nodes in the group
so I am not sure this should work in all cases.
Correct me if I am wrong please, Andrew

edit: I did some tests using Saxon 9.4PE
and it seems there we need indeed
<xsl:apply-templates select="current-group() except current-group()/self::blah"/>

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