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RE: [xsl] Normalizing space / XPTY0004

2013-07-29 19:12:40
That explains it. Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Kay [mailto:mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 6:10 PM
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: [xsl] Normalizing space / XPTY0004

When xsl:value-of (in 2.0) selects multiple items, they are output with a
separator between adjacent items. The separator defaults to a single space.
You can change the separator for example by writing <xsl:value-of
select="..." separator=""/> which uses a zero-length string (i.e. no separator
at all).

normalize-space() isn't going to help you in the slightest. The reason it 
fails is
that it expects a single string as its first argument, not a sequence of 

You could also write

<xsl:for-each select="Text"><xsl:value-of select="@value"/></xsl:for-each>

Michael Kay

On 29 Jul 2013, at 23:55, Lief Erickson wrote:

Hi All--

XSLT 2.0
Saxon EE (in oXygen 15.0)

I have a question about normalizing space -- at least I think that's what my
question is about. I am matching the following TextRun/Text values, but the
output is putting a space either after the end of the line or before the
beginning (I can't tell which). That makes the word "are" become "ar e" and
"larger" become "lar ger" and "unchanged" become "unchang ed". Obviously
this is not my desired result, but the processor is dutifully matching exactly
what it finds.

     <Paragraph stylename="Body">
           <Text value="If enabled, only the first N-bytes of each ingress 
           <Text value="e forwarded to Tool Ports connected to the rule.
Packets lar"/>
           <Text value="ger than the trim length are 'trimmed' to the size
           <Text value=". Packets smaller than the trim length are forwarded
           <Text value="ed."/>

   <xsl:template match="Paragraph[@stylename = 'Body']">
       <xsl:value-of select="./TextRun/Text/@value"/>

If enabled, only the first N-bytes of each ingress packet ar e forwarded to
Tool Ports connected to the rule. Packets lar ger than the trim length are
'trimmed' to the size specified . Packets smaller than the trim length are
forwarded unchang ed.

I tried <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(./TextRun/Text/@value)"/>,
but I get error XPTY0004.

Can someone explain how I should be properly connecting the
Text/@value entries in this TextRun so that my words are whole?


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